December 20, 2012

a short goodbye.

The relativity of time is killing me. And it is always working the other way round... When you want that it stops it just counts the hours as minutes and minutes as secs..And when you pray that the time passes so fast it never does..You keep looking for the seconds to catch the next minute. And the next minute is like an old flame who never shows up..
Now I want to bring my sweet melody.. tune it to B and sing my favorite song the whole night.. And i dont want that tomorrow comes...
I know I am having my hard times.. Whatever i call to myself is a disaster now. I dont want to think about anything,i am crying a lot, i am laughing a lot,working a lot..a lottt..And I know that it will be gone. Cos I know whatever you do you cannot stop the time.. It is your best friend, it is your medication, it is your patience..
Now I want to bring my sweet melody..tune it to G and play the sweet melodies together..And I dont want that tomorrow comes...

sweet melodies..

December 04, 2012


Sometimes rushing things is not good..Staying calm and 

waiting for what time brings can help more..If you cannot 

tell anything to anyone then tell it to yourself, listen to

it. That is the best friend to you who will be with you all the 

time. Take it easy...(Insider voice)

---Have a nice week!---

Bazen benim yaptigimin aksine her seyi zamana birakmak en

guzeli olabilir. Kabugundan cikan solucanin kelebege 

donusmesini beklemeden kaybedilen guzellikler gibi olabilir 

hayat aceleye getirdiginizde. O yuzden tadini cikarin, eger 

artik anlatabilecek kimseniz kalmadiysa kendinizle dertlesin, o 

size dogru yolu gosterecektir,o sizin en vefali dostunuzdur 

cunku hep yaninizda olan. O yuzden kendime sesleniyorum, 

hayatin kosturmacasinda bi yerelere yetisecekmis gitmekten

 vazgec artik, nasi olsa en sonunda gidecegin yer 

ayni. Eglenmene bak,zamani akisina birak,planlarla harcama 

hayatini,dunyadaki tek degisken sen degilsin ve sen ne 

yaparsan yap hicbir sey tam istedigin gibi olmayacak.

There is a flower that grows in a cave

So lovely to see but need to be saved

It is beautiful blossom will wither and die

IF ever this flower leave the darkness for daylight..