Bazen disinda olmak iyidir cemberin, her seye disardan bakabilirsin boylelikle.icerde neler oldugunu gormen kolaylasir belki de.
Bu tipki Turkiye de olan bitene Almanya dan bakmak gibi, Almanya da olanlara ise Danimarka dan.. Insanin kendini dinleyebildigi anlar boyle zamanlar,soyle gozlerini kocaman acip 'demek aslinda boyleymis' diyebildigi..
Tipki Kopenhag da rengarenk boyanmis binalarin altina kurulmus barlarda oturup 10euroya bira icmek ve insanlari izlemek yerine, limanin tam karisinda oturup batmakta olan gunesin yumusacik isigindan faydalanip canlanan mekanlari insanlari fotograflayip 2euroya aldigin biranin tadini cikarmak gibi..
Tipki tipki Christiana da' kendilerinden gecmis' insanlari ayik kafayla izleyip gulebilmek gibi...
Her seyin disinda olmak iyidir bazen.Cunku onlardan biri olmadiginda da gorulecek cok sey vardir esasinda.
Kopenhag i sevdim...
Herkese iyi pazarlar...
Either you are in the circle or out! It is that simple. But what if you are in and your mind is at outside...(Sorry for the bad literal translation, actuaaly this is a song you need to think about the meaning)
Sometimes it is good to be outside of the circle,then you can look inside and see whats going on clearly.
This is like to look at Turkey and whats going on there from the the girl`s eyes who is trying to get used to Germany...
Or sth like looking her life in Germany from Denmark while sitting alone in the harbour and listening to her favorite songs when people are just passing by..
These times are usually the ones that you can listen to your heart,see what actually is going on and open your eyes and say `omg, so that was the reason...`
But you can see it when you are outside...
This feeling is like sitting in the harbour and drinking beer which you bought from the supermarket for 2 € (still soo expensive), instead of that flashy pubs just on the other side of the Nyhavn with nice charming lights. Now I can see all those people and what they are doing and talking...
This is exactly like watching people in Christiania (!!!) with your sober mind...
Being from outside..different from others is good though. You can understand them better when you are not one of them...
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